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The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF)

Writer's picture: DATAMARSDATAMARS

Updated: May 25, 2023

New round of Farming Equipment and Technology Fund grants open

The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund is part of the Farming Investment Fund.

It offers grants for specific items of equipment to increase productivity, boost environmental sustainability and improve animal health and welfare.

Farmers, foresters and growers in England, including contractors to these sectors, can apply for a grant between £1,000 and £25,000. Grants go towards the cost of specific items from a prescribed list.

The Farming Equipment and Technology Fund 2023 is split into 2 themes:

  • Productivity and Slurry OPEN NOW UNTIL TUESDAY 6TH APRIL 2023

  • Animal Health and Welfare OPEN NOW UNTIL 15TH June 2023


Our new Tru-Test Active Tag Heat & Health Monitoring solution will be eligible within the grant!

Our Heat & Health Monitoring solution supports dairy farmers looking to maximise their breeding programme and minimise treatment costs.

All Tru-Test Active Tag Ear Tag & Collars integrate with the Datamars Livestock App to provide timely and reliable data and alerts in the dairy, or via any mobile device.


Item Number

Item Name & Specification (sections relevant to Datamars products)

  • Livestock Handling and Weighing Items

  • Precision and Analysis Items

  • Other Livestock Items

  • General Items

Grant Amount £ (based on a Q of 1)

Datamars item(s)


Pasture Plate Meter (Hand-held)

A handheld device to assess grass cover by measuring total height and the number of measurements taken. The device must have the capability of storing measurements taken from separate paddocks and for the data to be downloaded to a computer or mobile device. Plate meters that are not able to store data electronically for later electronic transfer are not eligible. Maximum of 2 per application. Serial number required - to be submitted with your claim for payment.


  • 880 0002-138 Tru-Test EC10 Platemeter

  • 880 0001-620 Tru-Test EC20 Platemeter


Heat Detection System - Base Unit

Automated system for the heat detection in cows based on motion detection. Using either electronic ear tags, neck collars or ankle transponders to identify the animal. To be eligible, each base unit must comprise receiver, aerial and connection to farm computer. Extenders are not eligible. Maximum 2 units per application. See FETF91 - Heat Detection System - Ear Tag, Collar or Ankle Band.


  • 880 0004-609 : TT Datamars Edge GW with LTE

  • 880 0004-658 : TT Datamars Edge GW W/O LTE


Heat Detection System - Ear Tag, Collar or Ankle Band

Automated system for the heat detection in cows based on motion detection. Ear tag, neck collars or ankle bands which measure motion associated with oestrous behaviour are eligible. Cost is per neck collar/ankle band or ear tag. Note for ear tags to be eligible they must have a life expectancy of at least five years and be reusable (transferable to another animal). Tags used for Cattle Tracing System (CTS) purposes are not eligible for funding. Bolus type transponders are not eligible under this scheme.


  • 700 2100-746 : Tru-Test Active Ear Tag/M2z yellow, bag of 20, box 100

  • 986 0000-507 : Tru-Test Active Collar Tag, belt with weight and tag assembled, box of 25


Auto Cattle Weighing Equipment

Standalone equipment which automatically weighs cattle without human intervention, linked to EID. Purchased as a whole working unit, not parts. This comprises of a weigh platform (often with water trough), EID reader and weigh head.


  • Tru-Test Dairy WOW 4000

  • Tru-Test Flexi Mobile WOW 4000C


EID Panel reader for cattle

Static race reader, with Antenna and Bluetooth connection. Must be able to read HDX and FDX B tags. To be eligible under this item the reader must be permanently fixed to the race or cattle crush. Portable readers are not eligible under this item.


  • 880 0000-938Tru-Test XRP2 EID Panel Reader with Large Antenna (Cattle)


Mobile sheep handling systems

Trailer mounted mobile sheep handling system capable of holding and handling a minimum of 250 sheep with the aim to allow farmers to handle sheep away from the main holding. The system must include a minimum of 20 hurdles to create a gathering pen, forcing pen and must include a minimum of two side pens. The system must include drafting and dosing race with the ability to fit a foot bath. The trailer must be integrated into the handling system and form part of the handling race. Trailers which are not integrated and could be used for other purposes are not eligible under this item. The integrated trailer must be road legal. The handling system must be of all metal construction. Wooden elements eg floors to the race or crush, gates or hurdles are not eligible under this item. All ferrous metalwork must be either galvanised or powder coated. Painted systems are not eligible. Serial number required - to be submitted with your claim for payment.


  • Prattley Standard 10ft Mobile Yard (250 sheep)

  • Prattley Super 10ft Mobile Yard (500 sheep)


EID Panel reader for sheep

Static/race reader, with Antenna and Bluetooth connection. Must be able to read HDX and FDX B tags. To be eligible under this item the reader must be permanently fixed to the sheep handling system. Portable readers are not eligible under this item.


  • 880 0000-271 Tru-Test XRP2 EID Panel Reader with Small Antenna (Sheep)


Individual Electronic Weigh System (all species)

Digital weighing device with the ability to record and display on screen individual animals’ weights, track the live weight gains and access recorded information on an individual animal, for example, breeding and movements. If the electronic weighing system relies on a mobile device to input, access and record this information the mobile device must be purchased as part of this Item. Must have the functionality to operate with EID readers and operate auto drafting systems. It must also have the ability to be connected to a computer or mobile device to download collected information. Weigh bars are not included in this item they are a separate item - see FETF79 ‘Weigh bars and weigh platforms for weighing livestock’ and FETF80 ‘Weigh bars or platform for animals less than 300 kg’. Group and automatic average animal weighing systems are not eligible under this item.


  • 880 0010-832 Tru-Test JR5000

  • 880 0000-787 Tru-Test ID5000

  • 880 0000-182 Tru-Test XR5000

  • 880 0000-705 Tru-Test EziWeigh7i


Weigh bars and weigh platforms for weighing livestock

Electronic load bars or electronic weigh platform to operate with digital weigh heads/readers for use with cattle crushes, or batch weighing sheep or pigs. Load bars must be heavy duty (HD) type load bars. The system must be capable of weighing up to 2000 kg (to allow for crush or weigh pen). Non electronic weighing systems are not eligible. Digital weigh heads/readers are a separate item see FETF78 ‘Individual Electronic Weigh System (all species)’.


  • 880 0000-202 Tru-Test MP600 Load Bars

  • 880 0000-240 Tru-Test MP800 Load Bars

  • 880 0000-565 Tru-Test HD5T Load Bars

  • 880 0000-081 Tru-Test Cattle Platform 2.2m

  • 880 0001-807 Tru-Test Calf Platform 1.1m


Weigh bars or platform for animals less than 300 kg

Electronic load bars or electronic weigh platform to operate with digital weigh heads/readers for use with, sheep races, sheep crates or pig crates. Load bars must be heavy duty (HD)type load bars. The system must be capable of weighing up to 500 kg (to allow for weighing crate) Non electronic weighing systems are not eligible. Digital weigh heads/readers are a separate item see FETF78 ‘Individual Electronic Weigh System (all species)’.


  • 880 0000-202 Tru-Test MP600 Load Bars

  • 880 0000-240 Tru-Test MP800 Load Bars

  • 880 0000-081 Tru-Test Cattle Platform 2.2m

  • 880 0001-807 Tru-Test Calf Platform 1.1m


EID Handheld Recorder Device

EID of animals. The reader must have the ability to record information on breeding, births, weights, treatments and movements as a minimum. If the reader relies on a mobile device to input, access and record this information the mobile device must be purchased as part of this item. The reader must be capable of exporting data to a computer based software package for the active monitoring of livestock.handheld device with RFID technology for individual reading and recording.


  • 880 0000-822 Tru-Test XRS2 EID Stick Reader


EID Handheld Device (stick reader)

EID handheld device (stick reader) with RFID technology for individual reading of animals. Must be capable of scanning tags and storing tag data, with the ability to connect wirelessly to mobile phones or other devices. Must be able to read HDX and FDX B tags.


  • 880 0000-822 Tru-Test XRS2 EID Stick Reader

  • 880 0000-152 Tru-Test SRS2 EID Stick Reader



Solar powered electric fence energiser

Solar powered electric fencing energiser with integrated solar panel and battery. Energiser providing at least 0.15 joules output. Purchased as a whole working unit (single item), not parts.


  • 880 0002-604 Speedrite S150 MK3 INTL Solar Energizer

  • 880 0002-623 Speedrite S500 MK2 INTL Solar Energizer

  • 880 0002-626 Speedrite S1000 INTL Solar Energizer


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