Livestock Identification

Animal Health Delivery Systems

Livestock Farm Infrastructure
Livestock Smart Farming
Livestock Performance Monitoring
Game & Poultry

Placed near a water source or using an attractant, livestock quickly adjust to weighing themselves daily by walking over, or on, the Walk Over Weighing (WOW) structure.
Delivering accurate, real-time insights and data based on individual animal weights and group averages, the system is a combination of sophisticated, yet practical algorithms and robust hardware.
Designed with ease-of-use and efficiency in mind, it is built to remove the guesswork from managing cattle.
Available in two models with varying specifications to suit any livestock operation, the Datamars Livestock team has extensive industry experience and provides ongoing support to ensure Tru-Test Walk Over Weighing (WOW) is used to its full potential.

Reduce labour costs
Removes the need to muster cattle to collect weights, and can be set up to automatically draft stock.

Enhance pasture management
Assists with decision making for pasture management, including rotational grazing systems.

Maximise production
Allows improved herd management and identifies top performers based on valuable data, year-round. Feeding and supplementary feeding regimes can also be monitored to maximise efficiencies.

Improve animal welfare
Monitors animal health by identifying weight loss. Provides visibility to when cattle are presenting to water when configured for walk over weighing. The system also reduces animal stress by minimising the need for yarding.
"It just makes good sense."
Warren and Meg Salter use Tru-Test WOW autonomous weighing.
This drives productivity in their family-owned and operated beef enterprise near Dalby, Queensland.
How it works.

Place the unit near an attractant such as water or supplement for walk over weighing

Algorithms calculate the animal's liveweight and adjusts for gutfill

Depending on the configuration, livestock walk across or on to the weigh platform

Data is processed and delivered through online software, Datamars Livestock, that translated daily weighing data into easy-to-understand reports and charts

The electronic identification ear tag is scanned and the animal weight is matched to this

Powerful insights are generated to help identify trends and better manage your livestock year-round
"We gain visibility of what’s happening within the herd and make decisions around that data."
Gregg Blatchly, Datamars Livestock
talks about the fully automated Flexi Mobile 4000C Walk Over Weigh system
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