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Farm Infrastructure

Time and labour-saving technology for EID reading, weighing and recording to monitor livestock growth performance, readiness for market, medicating at the correct weight, recording withholding periods and upkeep of stock movement records.


Electric fencing and a range of hand tools assists with both  permanent or temporary fencing solutions holding livestock securely and efficiently on pasture and forage ground

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We have a clear vision to make tag ordering easy. The Datamars online shop was created to allow you to order 24/7 at a time that suits you.

We also know that getting your order on time is important and offer a fast and reliable service with a choice of delivery options including collection.

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Contact information

Need more information? Whatever your query, email, call or write to us to get in touch, our team is ready to help!

Datamars Agri UK Ltd

Pheasant Mill,
Dunsdale Road,


028 2076 8696 


© 2020 by Datamars Agri UK Ltd.

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